A decision tree of N bits is a rooted binary tree. Each internal
node of the tree contains an index
i {1,..., N} and has
two children. Each leaf contains either a 1 or a 0. To determine
the value of the deterministic decision tree on an input
{0, 1}N we traverse the tree starting at the root. At each
internal node we examine the xi, where i is the index stored at
that node. If xi = 1 we follow the path through the left
subtree; if xi = 0 we follow the path through the right subtree.
The value stored at the leaf that we eventually reach is the output of
the algorithm. Any decision tree computes an N-bit Boolean
function. There are many different deterministic decision trees that
compute any given function.
The decision tree complexity of a Boolean function is the minimum depth of any decision tree that computes that function. We denote the decision tree complexity of a Boolean function f by D(f ). The decision tree complexity of a function f is just its classical oracle query complexity. Any decision tree of depth D(f ) determines a minimal sequence of oracle queries that allow us to compute f (x) for any input x.